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Morsecode's first show

So I had promised that I would blog once a month, and I have dropped the ball over the summer. Why you ask? Because I took a summer job at a Girl Scout camp. But now that it is over I am here to share the amazing start we had to our introduction to cat shows. First I'm going to keep this blog short and brag about how AMAZING Mr. Morse did at the show, but next blog I will discuss what I took away from the show. Here are his results;

As a year and three month old; June 11th

My very first cat show, AND Morsecode's very first cat show and he took FIRST PLACE color, FIRST PLACE division, and BEST OF BREED under Judge Melissa Parsley on Saturday!

Saturday in Brown spotted tabby under 8 judges he received a total of one first, three 2nds, and four 3rds, placing under all eight judges. Moving onto Best of Division for all Browns (including the marbles) he earned one 1st, one 2nd, and four 3rds, then for BEST of Breed he placed One first, one second, and four thirds!

And that was just Saturday. Sunday we totaled another three 2nds and five 3rds in color (all eight judges) and two 2nds, and three 3rds in Best of Division, and Two 2nds and three 3rds in Best of Breed!

But it wasn't just the placings that impressed people at the show. Being brand new to cat shows I had no idea that it was not normal to bring an Adult cat to a cat show that had never been shown as a kitten.

I was SO excited about how well he was placing, and what was even more impressive was how EVERY Bengal breeder and Judge were SHOCKED about how well he was taking to the show since I started him so late (he is one year 3 months). One just commented "I'm so impressed your not trying to eat me" and I didn't get it until the Silver male who was trying to show (and screamed and hissed like a wild lion) ended up freaking out during one of the classes and attacked it's own owner and ran off and got disqualified. The other breeders told me if you do not show your cat as a kitten THAT was NORMAL behavior and so the fact that my cat was a little shy but otherwise showing really well, and such a love, showed that at home (according to them) he must be AMAZING. He is, I already knew that, but to hear multiple Bengal breeders compliment, and other breed long time cat show competitors comment on it when they all found out it was his first time was truly the highlight of my show.

I even had one person who was going to be tabled next to us move when they found out he was a male and this was his first show. Later she came over and apologized because, as she explained, she has never seen a male start to show as an adult and not go crazy and didn't want to upset her cat. But she was SO impressed by how well he took to the show. I told her it was fine. I gave her the heads up that it was his first so I wasn't at all upset when she tabled somewhere else.

The whole thing made me feel really great about using this boy as my only stud. His personality AND his stunning looks combined is a great place to start a breeding program (but mostly I want my cats to be known for their amazing personalities).

Next blog will be all about discussion I had with breeders and the impressions I got from the show in general. 'Til then, ttfn.

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