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The buying experience


So I recently bought my new male, and I couldn't be happier. I have had a bad experience buying expensive animals and had decided that I would prefer to buy only locally at a place that would allow me to tour their facilities, and see the condition of the animals being kept. So I was very leery when a person sent me a photo of a male all the way in Kentucky. However, I looked over his photos and I LOVED what I saw. The first thing that caught my attention was that the cat was being held and cuddled by her children, and since I have girls of my own ( 2 and 5) and they cuddle our kittens from day ONE that was important to me as I have received a cat who is NOT safe around my kids.

I have also had TWO experiences where I bought animals (one dog and one cat) and after paying ridiculous prices for a pure bred they arrived SICK... Now this is very frustrating since before getting into purebred cats I have had 11 before this (all free and only one was sick, and she was a rescue). SO why am I paying thousands of dollars when I can get a healthy animal for literally nothing? Very frustrating.

When I had told this seller of the male about my experiences, and that I wanted to tour a facility they immediately took their phone into their cattery and gave me a grand tour via video! They showed me everything from door to door, and every cat! Okay I thought, but I'm not crazy about shipping animals. However, after getting even more photos and loving what I saw, I decided to take a chance...

Not only did the seller work with me with tours she was able to stay in contact with me through a horrible migraine that lasted weeks and we were finally able to get the contract sent last minute before his flight and she was very patient and generous, never panicky or demanding.

When he arrived I was livid with Delta airlines as the create he was in obviously took a huge hit and was dented in the side a few inches, causing the back of the create to open slightly. The poor cat was shaking in fear. But despite all that, once we got home and set him up in a quarantine room, and let him out he immediately started purring and snuggling with both myself and my five year old. He has been loving, friendly, HEALTHY, and even more beautiful than his pictures. He is my male who we called Morse Code (Morse for short) due to the striking dots and dashes on the rings of his shoulders ( I swear a translator could read it).

I do understand that there are sometimes animals that get sick... for no reason of the breeders fault, however an animal should not COME TO YOU sick or malnourished and look as if they are a rescue (yes both has happened to me). They should healthy and happy animals. And that is what I strive to create for my customers as well. I myself in the past have had one puppy who ended up having an accident an hernia, she was given away free to just the perfect home willing to pay for her surgery, and another who developed a weird auto immune disorder (who we suspect was created through her shots) but even though her health contract had expired I offered a refund since I personally knew how much this owner had been spending on this dogs vet costs. (Not saying I would do that every time) but I do believe in standing behind what you are selling, if I bought a faulty DVD player from Walmart they wouldn't tell me (go pay to have it fixed and THEN we will refund you PART of the money on a new one... Yet that is what so many breeders of animals do.

They also don't say... here is a shirt but it is stained so you will have to buy the cleaners to fix it in the first ten days (like the breeders who know their babies carry herpes and tell the clients to put them on anti-biotic for the "cold" they will get from the stress of the move to a new home, sorry folks, colds have to be caught from a source, it doesn't just magically appear out of no-where) I wish to be different. I want customers to not only feel but also to be fully safe referring us as well.

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